I ask for a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) test for Tantric Power Retreats.

You do not need to take an STI test for Tantric Massage or any of the other services I offer. I ask for this because

  1. My primary concern and commitment is to the well-being of you and all of my clients. Asking for an STI test is one of the ways that I do this.
  2. Having 3 monthly STI checks is a condition of my professional membership of both ASIS and ACSB.
  3. It is a condition of my insurance that I take all reasonable precautions for the safety and wellbeing of myself and my clients.
  4. I live, teach and actively promote sex-positive perspectives. This means breaking down myths and stigmas around sex, intimacy and sexual wellbeing and promoting more accurate, healthy and helpful ways of being around bodies, sex and intimacy.

I understand that you may be feeling challenged by the request for a STI test. If so, it may be that you are associating STI’s with some shame, old stories or judgements around sex, intimacy and people who have with STI’s. And I invite you to reframe these thoughts and feelings to a different perspective; as a healthy precaution, as a kindness that you can take to keep yourself and those you come into contact with healthy and well. Not unlike having the flu jab or staying home from work when you know you have a cold or a stomach bug because you don’t want to pass it on to others.

Having regular STI checks is an important part of any individuals healthcare regime. Even when practicing safer sex, or in a long-term relationship, it’s still a good idea to get tested regularly.

I get tested every three months as professionally recommended and I did so even before I became a professional bodyworker. I want to keep myself fit, healthy and well. And I want to protect people who I engage with intimately, including clients. It’s not only my professional obligation, it’s a kindness.

What STI’s should I get checked for?

As a minimum, please get tested for:

  • HIV
  • Chlamydial
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis

These tests are easily taken with a home testing kit.

If you are making an in-person appointment you might want to ask for a full STI screening. This is also the best option if you have any health symptoms or concerns.

How Can I Get an STI Check?

  • Some GP practices offer NHS testing as do local GUM clinics.
  • Availability for in-person testing in your area will vary and may take up to two weeks to get your results
  • Home testing kits are available by post. The kit is posted to you, you take the test and post back the same day.
  • Check-in your geographical area as some postcodes offer free home testing kits
  • Fettle. Boots, Lloyds Chemist and Superdrug all offer online home test kits, as do other providers
  • Costs vary but are from £70 upwards
  • Turnaround for home posted testing kits is between 7 days and 2 weeks but may take longer if a retest is required.
  • Please choose the widest screening available which includes HIV, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis and Chlamydia
  • Once you have your results, please email them through to me.

Thank you for your kindness


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  • Six Steps to Sexual Self Awareness: immediately enhance your sexual experience with this downloadable guide.
  • Guided Body Meditation: to develop greater mindfulness, relaxation and body awareness in just 6 minutes.
  • Eight Ways to Enhance your Sexual Seduction Experience: for better solo sex, better partnered sex and mind blowing intimacy.